Leucan is proud to announce that LOU-TEC has raised over $34,000 to support children with cancer and their families through its Leucan Shaved Head Challenge®, presented by Proxim. On June 16, 13 courageous staff members took up the challenge simultaneously in four branches: Beloeil, Gatineau, Lévis (Saint-Nicolas) and Longueuil (Saint-Hubert).
Thanks to this fund-raising campaign, the LOU-TEC’s Challenge stands out from the crowd, and Leucan is pleased to award it the leader mention – corporate category in recognition of the remarkable commitment of the participants.
A unifying event that brings hope
The project was organized at the initiative of Mr. Luc Bertrand, Vice President, Development, Strategies and Marketing at LOU-TEC. Having himself acted as Honorary President of the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge in recent years, he went under the razor for the cause for the fourth time. He wanted to rally his colleagues around a hopeful project. The idea was enthusiastically supported by Jean-Marc Dallaire, President, and CEO of LOU-TEC, who himself had his hair shaved.
“I sincerely believe that our companies have a duty to invest in initiatives that ensure the well-being of the community, because every action contributes to the development of future generations. Leucan offered incredible support to one of our employees whose child had cancer. The whole team decided to get involved with this essential organization so that we could make a real difference in the lives of other families,” says Mr. Dallaire.
An invitation to Quebec companies
LOU-TEC wants to raise awareness among Quebec companies of the importance of community involvement. The company is inviting them to organize their own Leucan Shaved Head Challenge in support of children with cancer. It is indeed possible to organize a corporate challenge at the time and place of one’s choice, with the support of Leucan.
“It’s always touching to see colleagues coming together to make this great gesture of solidarity for children with cancer. Their efforts to raise donations have a major impact on families affected by pediatric cancer. Thanks to them, Leucan can continue its essential support to soften the daily lives of families,” says Marie-Hélène Vinet, Leucan’s Manager, Events and Development.
Leucan would like to thank all LOU-TEC employees who contributed to the success of this event. In addition to the participants, the Challenge mobilized many other colleagues who offered their support by shaving the hair of participants, making donations or collaborating on the logistics and running of the event.
Motivated and committed, the LOU-TEC team has already confirmed its intention to organize a Challenge again next year. LOU-TEC hopes to mobilize even more people around the cause in order to grow the solidarity movement for children with cancer within its organization.
Leucan would like to acknowledge the generosity of Proxim, presenter of the event for an 8th year, of Mia, who for a 9th year has created the Hope Earrings, a piece of jewelry sold to benefit Leucan, and of comedian Dominic Paquet, provincial spokesperson for the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge.
For more information on the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge, and to participate, the public is invited to visit the event’s website: tetesrasees.com.
About the Challenge
The Leucan Shaved Head Challenge is a major fundraising activity that mobilizes the community in a spirit of solidarity to provide services to families of children with cancer. It’s also a gesture of support for children whose body image is altered by hair loss during chemotherapy.
About Leucan
For 45 years, Leucan has been committed to supporting children with cancer and their families, from the time of diagnosis through all stages of the disease and its effects. A loyal ally to hundreds of families and thousands of members across Quebec, the Association offers distinctive and adapted services to which its qualified team has developed leading-edge expertise in the field. These services are complemented by clinical research funding and the Leucan Information Centre. With its nine offices, Leucan is present throughout the province.
About Proxim
Proxim is a group of over 300 independent pharmacist-owners. With pharmacies across Quebec, Proxim-affiliated pharmacist-owners are leading healthcare professionals in their communities. Their priority is to provide their patients with specialized, tailor-made support to improve their health.
Registered trademark of Leucan inc.
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Source et renseignements
Marie-Pier Cloutier
Chargée de projets principale, événements et développement | Leucan
450 876-0444, poste 7223 |